Wednesday, August 22, 2012

GeoCentric Week :: Knitting Needle Case

Part 2 in our knitting/GeoCentric combo. The tutorial for this super cool knitting needle case can be found on The Charming Needle's blog. Thanks to Jaclyn Jordan for sewing it up to perfection. Shown here in stylin' GeoCentric ZigZag in Coral.

Accented in Maman Motif | Brun and Solid Earth and Cloud from Nursery Basics.
Earth Solid from Nursery Basics made a sharp contrast to the bright coral.
Right at home with Michelle's Knitting Project Bags


  1. i really love you WIP pouch think i'll make some for me! Always looking for my WIP all around the house! thank's for the tips

  2. Thanks a lot for mentioning the link to my tutorial. The case looks great in your fabrics!

  3. I like the use of bias tape for the edges and the flap for covering the needle tops. I just sewed up my own recently, too. Great job

  4. I've been looking for a tutorial for this... Thanks


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