Saturday, December 4, 2010

Going to the Pros

The Polka Dot Tot Spot Jingle Balls

I have a few new(ish) babies in my life and wanted to make something special for them with our fabric. My goodness it was hard to decide on a project! In the end, though I thought playful balls would be ideal. I had made some from our first collection, My Happy Garden (below) from the tutorial for fabric beach balls from Purl, but then, as usual, there was the issue of time. I've been swamped with work and sewing projects have been a rare luxury these days. So I went hunting on Etsy to see if I could find a maker who could do the work for me. It didn't take me long to find Heather at The Polka Dot Tot Spot. And just look how absolutely PERFECT these came out. So darling. And so professionally made. Plus they have a little jingle ball in them!

Look for these and block and maybe little eggs in her shop soon. I can't wait give these gifts!

Fabric Beach Balls


  1. These are beautiful! And they jingle too? Just fab. x

  2. Hey Michelle!!

    Thanks so very much for sharing these with your blogging community and for asking me to create for you! I now have these cloth balls up for sale in the shop if anyone is interested!

    Take care!
    Heather :)


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